The story of 2012-2013 has been "doing" and "redoing." Maybe this is the nature of Do IT YOURSELF (DIY) projects, maybe we are flat-out indecisive, or maybe home ownership simply lends itself to "redoing," I'm not sure.
You all are familiar with the idiom "if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try AGAIN?"--William Hickson. This idiom is our MANTRA.
Here is a taste of our unsuccessful firsts, that we have TRIED again or are in the middle of re-TRYING:
June 8, 2012:
December 2012:
Unfortunately, around February of 2013, I had the "bright" idea to use duck tape to keep a broken-hinged cabinet hanging. BAD MOVE resulting in a very CHIPPED cabinet. So Matt tried to touch up the CHIPPED cabinet, as well as all other cabinets, and we ended up with BLOTCHY cabinets.
Note to anyone using Rust-oleum: touch ups are DIFFICULT (and don't use duck tape).
Back to ACE Hardware we went for paint samples to re-do our blotchy cabinets. We tried Benjamin Moore's: Charcoal Gray, Ashley Gray, Davenport Tan, and Pismo Dunes.
And all color attempts were a FAIL. So back to the drawing board for us re: cabinet colors. Either we are going to keep the chocolate theme or we are going with a STARK white. I'll keep you posted...
This is supposed to be MATT'S post--but sometimes residency is well, residency. SO, we went from:
the great WALL of carpet:
to porch paint:
to hickory hardwood:
AND finally, we are LOVING the hickory hardwood. Hopefully Matt can write an update on this project soon!
On a side note, we have been busy outside this week:
The lattice has been stained (goodbye s.k.u.n.k):
Lava rock was added to the "flower" garden in our side-yard:
And, we have CORN:
We would LOVE to hear about your spring projects, paint colors, or garden plans...