Saturday, January 12, 2013

234 Miles

My car thermometer read 61 degrees today, January 12, 2013, in MICHIGAN!

Feeling a bit nostalgic, Stella and I took a walk down memory lane, past our first 800 square foot condo that we moved into the month Matt and I were married (yes, three years later we bought a house approximately two blocks from our first rented condo), and down the river walk that holds so many of our footsteps.

We have walked at least 234 miles around the beloved-Argo Pond in the past three years.  Footsteps full of defeat, sadness, joy, excitement, and anticipation of what the future would hold.

Three years ago, I never would have imagined that we would buy our first house here, in this neighborhood, but for the faithfulness of God.

Today we passed neighbors, new babies, elementary-age children, and elderly couples strolling down the river path, and I could not help but be excited for Spring.

We have plans to plant our first garden, finish landscaping, and continue fixing our house (if you have any garden tips, we would love to hear them as our present knowledge amounts to: seeds, shovel, spade, gardening gloves).

Spring smells new, it smells of hope.  What are you hoping for this year?


  1. hoping for a place to feel settled near you guys :) More than that, hoping for the sunshine that springtime brings and more great memories in Ann Arbor!
